Friday, June 7, 2013

Home made solid food

Alhamdulillah, Aneeq now can slowly accept my home-made-food even though yea, sometimes it depends on his mood jugak. So to be safe, setiap hari aku akan prepare semi-solid food which is blended nasi with kentang plus bayam. So far he's doing fine.. Aku tak letak expectation tinggi pun kat Aneeq, rileks sudah. Tak habis semangkuk pun takpa sayang..6-7 spoons per each meal pun dah great for mama. Slowly learn..

Tapi, kadang-kadang mood awang ni tak dapat dijangka jugak. Ada hari yang Aneeq totally refused my home made food. Taktau paseipa. Aku buat macam selalu yang aku buat jugak..tapi bear in mind, jangan paksa anak makan. I did some research jugak la through internet, kalau force baby to eat whatever things that had been prepared, at one time dia akan trauma pulak nak makan. Nak makan pun takut, ngeri kot macam tu. So that's why I took a step back..loosen up sikit dengan preparation introducing Aneeq dengan makanan even aku sumpah sangat excited nak menyuap dia makan since dia 5 bulan lagi. Hmmmph! 0__-

Jadi, untuk cuba mengenyangkan Aneeq even after dia reject bubur aku buat, aku cuba cari what other things yang Aneeq suka. I've tried a lot seriously. Tapi tak da la sampai aku give up, it is just that sampai tahap aku try introduce Aneeq dengan nestum. Wehehee. What? Mati akal kot! lol, I am not a kind of mother yang sanggup biar anak lapar just to follow all the rules, like 'say no to nestum' ka whatever. Anak aku reject bubuq aku buat kot.

But surprisingly, semua jenis nestum di pasaran also being rejected by Aneeq. Lagi mati akai! Sekarang ni kalau Aneeq makan nestum pun tanpa dia sedar. Hahaha. Aku campuq sikit dalam susu dia. Tebuk sikit lubang puting..minum ok jaaaaaa..saja akai Aneeq tu..heh!

Luckily Aneeq sangat suka dengan biskut Farley. I bet it is because of the taste kot. Biskut tu kan manis..aku hat besaq ni makan pun sedap jugak rasa. Hehe. So macam aku cakap tadi, to be safe..instead of preparing Aneeq with the bubur, aku dah stand by siap-siap biskut farley dan nestum kat rumah babysitter. Kalau dia not in the mood of eating the bubur, aku minta pengasuh dia cairkan biskut tu or campurkan nestum dalam susu Aneeq. Either or least he wont just depends on the milk only, ada topup sikit here and there. Bubur pun nak yang panas-suam gitu aku beli termos untuk keep the food warm. Demand tak anak aku? Baru 6 bulan dah pandai demand. Keh3

But then it's still okay for me. Aku rasa enjoy je layan kerenah Aneeq. Dia belum dapat adapt lagi kot dengan semi-solid food. Dia dok ingat susu aku paling sedap dalam dunia kot. Hahahaa.

My love, my everything. Sampai mati. :)

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