Many draft posts that are not manyyyyy. Well my bad, tak betul-betul fokus masa menulis. Tulis separuh, stopped pastu terus takda mood nak menulis balik. Lama betul blog bersawang. Huehuehue
Well I really have to cut this short. Banyak sangat nak tulis ni. Hehe. Nak mula dengan apa? :)
1. I have 2 upcoming interviews which have been scheduled this Friday and this coming Monday. Both for Government posts, J41(Jurutera awam). Satu SPA under KKM and the other one for DBKL. (dewan bandaraya Kuala Lumpur). As we all know, nak masuk gomen ni mesti ada kroni kan..well for me dua2 takda kroni pongg..haha but who knows ada rezeki kan? Mana tau worth the try ke apa.. So inshaAllah la akan pergi..KKM and DBKL tunggula daku..hehe
2. Aneeq is approaching 16 months. MasyaAllah cepat nya masa ni berlalu kan? Dia dah boleh la cakap sikit-sikit even membebel dalam bahasa dia yang lebih tak faham dari faham, but sometimes aku layankan aje. Dah boleh clearly sebut Mama, Abah, Bird, Ana(mana), and few others more. Best melayan dia sekarang, sebab memang bestla. Haha. Cuma lately ni dia sangat suka marah..kalau marah akan hentak2 kepala atas carpet(je), kalau atas lantai dia tak hentak..sanggup cari carpet dulu baru hentak kepala. Haha. Tau pulak sakit ye dok?
3. I have received so many good news dari close friends, relatives that they are expecting for 2nd baby! Wahh happy sangat kat diorang semua. Ada yang first baby not even 6 months lagi, tapi dah expecting. Rezeki murah kan? Hehe..but yang tak best bila people keep questioning me bila nak masuk yang no.2. is not that I don't want, but it is just that I want more time with Aneeq dulu sekarang, I mean tak puas lagi la nak manjakan dia..seriously..rasa macam dia kecik lagi..if I add one more at this time, maybe akan kurang masa dengan dia pastu dengan penat tendency nak marah dia ke apa lagi tinggi kan, which that what I want to avoid for all this time pun. Dia pun baru nak start melasak, bagi chance dulu la. Hehe boleh? Tahun depan inshaAllah, tahun berusaha tambah anak!. Hahaha
4. We have made a very big move in our life actually. Aizat ada new project selain dari current kerja dia, he is actually having another one expanding. Dan aku baru tau kot. He brought me to the place and explained pasal project dia tu, awal-awal tu rasa macam sedih jugak, ye la why am I the last person to know about this kan? Rupa-rupanya he really wanted to tell me from the beginning lagi, tapi he didn't know how. Patutla laki aku tu romantic semacam je lately, rupanya ada udang di sebalik mee! Hehe. Well afterall, as his backbone I should support for whatever things yang dia buat pun kan. Ye la, he did it for us. Niat tu yang pasti..he really love his wife and his son..sampai kadang-kadang aku pulak yang kesian tengok. Sesibuk mana pun dia, he will make sure that he will spare at least 2-3 hours to spend it with me and Aneeq sebelum dia start buat project baru dia. And as a wife, I'm praying hard that everything will run smoothly and I believe that he will be a great man and the best husband-daddy in the world. We love you,Abah. :)
Ok, I should not leave this post as a draft lagi. But I need to stop it here. Will update if I have more in my mind. Sekian berita. Ada kerja kena buat.
TC. :)
You forget that, in the dark, we must move closer together in order to see each other. You were never alone.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Happy (belated) 1st birthday Ahmad Aneeq!
Aneeq dah 1 tahun! MasyaAllah, I can't believe a whole year has gone by since I gave birth seriously. A lot has happened, in his life, mine and Aizat's. But we enjoyed it so much dan semestinya we both will miss Aneeq when he was a baby (still a baby even now) yang completely unable to do anything on his own, yang suka berjaga malam, yang suka terkebil-kebil mata dan sukaaa buat muka nangis-tapinakgelak tu.
Some people said that the first year is the hardest year. I have to agree with that. Tempoh pembesaran Aneeq dari lepas pantang since I brought him to stay with me and Aizat in KL without Mom's help and etc, seriously sangat mencabar. Demam panas, demam campak, pengasuh itu ini lagi, susah betul nak cope dengan whole things that happened within a year, but we managed to do it. Eventhough work performance this year dropped gila-gila tapi macam tak menyesal sangat sebab rasa macam worth it. Hehe. It is a huge achievement for me sebab masa first time bagitau mak my intention to bring Aneeq with me in KL her reaction masa tu macam..'boleh ke budak ni jaga cucu aku?'. Hee so sweet my mom kannn. Dia punya protective sytle tu sampai ke cucu pun dia nak jugak suruh duduk bawah ketiak dia. Baru selamat agaknya. Tehehee..
Perkembangan Aneeq so far Alhamdulillah..he turns out to be a very very veryyy super active boy. He started to walk when he was 11 months old. Masa tu dia jalan jatuh dalam 3,4 steps je. Then aku and Aizat saja-saja bawak Aneeq pegi taman tempat orang jogging and ada playground for kids just nak expose Aneeq dengan new environment je. Ye la dunia dia just di rumah babysitter then balik mengadap aku and Aizat je. So we both think that it is a suitable time for him to know more about the world. His world not just involving me, his abah and his babysitter, there are more people out there, more things to learn. Aneeq sangat happy okay..dia tak pernah tengok budak sebaya dia yang dah boleh berjalan kot sebab kat rumah babysitter Aneeq takda lagi baby yang age 1 year ++ yang dah boleh jalan that's why aku assumed Aneeq tak rasa macam nak challenge diri sendiri to walk by himself sebab dia takda saingan. Dia banyak crawling je sebelum ni. Tapi brought him to the park was a right thing to do seriously! Balik je dari taman tu, malam tu dia bersungguh-sungguh nak berjalan. He refused to take my hand when being offered, he wanted to do it all by himself. Malam tu jugak Aneeq boleh berjalan dengan sebanyaakkk banyaaakk tapak nya eventho ya,shaking here and there. But still, I am a happy mommmyyyyyy :)
Teething symptoms pulak..So far Aneeq already has 4 and half upper teeth..haha yang half tu sebab gigi tak tumbuh habis lagi..he has 4 on bottom and I just realized this morning that his first molar teeth on bottom right is just appeared..terkejut gila kot..sebab aku rasa macam tak sedar yang anak aku dah besar rupanya. Still seeing him as my little tiny baby boy lepas deliver last year. Subhanallah..cepat betul masa berlalu..
Actually this post is supposed to be published on his first birthday..tapi faham-faham la dengan workload bagai..satu perenggan satu hari. Haha.
Well, happy birthday to my son, Ahmad Aneeq bin Ahmad Aizat. Mama doakan Aneeq sentiasa sihat dan dilindungi Allah selalu. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh,baik dan cerdik pandai. Amin.
Some people said that the first year is the hardest year. I have to agree with that. Tempoh pembesaran Aneeq dari lepas pantang since I brought him to stay with me and Aizat in KL without Mom's help and etc, seriously sangat mencabar. Demam panas, demam campak, pengasuh itu ini lagi, susah betul nak cope dengan whole things that happened within a year, but we managed to do it. Eventhough work performance this year dropped gila-gila tapi macam tak menyesal sangat sebab rasa macam worth it. Hehe. It is a huge achievement for me sebab masa first time bagitau mak my intention to bring Aneeq with me in KL her reaction masa tu macam..'boleh ke budak ni jaga cucu aku?'. Hee so sweet my mom kannn. Dia punya protective sytle tu sampai ke cucu pun dia nak jugak suruh duduk bawah ketiak dia. Baru selamat agaknya. Tehehee..
Perkembangan Aneeq so far Alhamdulillah..he turns out to be a very very veryyy super active boy. He started to walk when he was 11 months old. Masa tu dia jalan jatuh dalam 3,4 steps je. Then aku and Aizat saja-saja bawak Aneeq pegi taman tempat orang jogging and ada playground for kids just nak expose Aneeq dengan new environment je. Ye la dunia dia just di rumah babysitter then balik mengadap aku and Aizat je. So we both think that it is a suitable time for him to know more about the world. His world not just involving me, his abah and his babysitter, there are more people out there, more things to learn. Aneeq sangat happy okay..dia tak pernah tengok budak sebaya dia yang dah boleh berjalan kot sebab kat rumah babysitter Aneeq takda lagi baby yang age 1 year ++ yang dah boleh jalan that's why aku assumed Aneeq tak rasa macam nak challenge diri sendiri to walk by himself sebab dia takda saingan. Dia banyak crawling je sebelum ni. Tapi brought him to the park was a right thing to do seriously! Balik je dari taman tu, malam tu dia bersungguh-sungguh nak berjalan. He refused to take my hand when being offered, he wanted to do it all by himself. Malam tu jugak Aneeq boleh berjalan dengan sebanyaakkk banyaaakk tapak nya eventho ya,shaking here and there. But still, I am a happy mommmyyyyyy :)
Teething symptoms pulak..So far Aneeq already has 4 and half upper teeth..haha yang half tu sebab gigi tak tumbuh habis lagi..he has 4 on bottom and I just realized this morning that his first molar teeth on bottom right is just appeared..terkejut gila kot..sebab aku rasa macam tak sedar yang anak aku dah besar rupanya. Still seeing him as my little tiny baby boy lepas deliver last year. Subhanallah..cepat betul masa berlalu..
Actually this post is supposed to be published on his first birthday..tapi faham-faham la dengan workload bagai..satu perenggan satu hari. Haha.
Well, happy birthday to my son, Ahmad Aneeq bin Ahmad Aizat. Mama doakan Aneeq sentiasa sihat dan dilindungi Allah selalu. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh,baik dan cerdik pandai. Amin.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Less in a month. Yeyyy
It's October and less in a month, Aneeq will turn 1 year old! I can't believe that time flies so damn fast and it seems to be soooo unreal. Don't you think so?
What to update about Aneeq? My last update when he was about 7-8 months old I guess? Ok let's just leave it be. Well by now, Aneeq still has the separation anxiety when I'm not around. It is actually lesser that before, but still he has it. But it's ok for me least I know that he knows that I am his mother. Kekeke
Speaking of babbling, he’s starting to pay closer attention to grown up talk. He copies the inflection I use when I speak. His favorite word is dada, mama and dada. He now can wave goodbye even to strangers(that's good) and clapping hands. Hee :)
He is also able to walk while holding onto furniture, well we called it as 'cruising' kot? He loves walking while pushing his walker and can stand for a few seconds by himself(and walk 2-3 steps ahead), but he's a careful boy and know he fall less while crawling so that's why he more prefer to crawl rather than to learn how to walk. Gesshhh -___-
He is currently now has 5 top teeths and 4 bottom ones. Expected more to come since he lovesssss to bite. Huhuhu..
But it's ok..he's in a learning process and...yeah..he is into everythinggggggg.
What to update about Aneeq? My last update when he was about 7-8 months old I guess? Ok let's just leave it be. Well by now, Aneeq still has the separation anxiety when I'm not around. It is actually lesser that before, but still he has it. But it's ok for me least I know that he knows that I am his mother. Kekeke
Speaking of babbling, he’s starting to pay closer attention to grown up talk. He copies the inflection I use when I speak. His favorite word is dada, mama and dada. He now can wave goodbye even to strangers(that's good) and clapping hands. Hee :)
He is also able to walk while holding onto furniture, well we called it as 'cruising' kot? He loves walking while pushing his walker and can stand for a few seconds by himself(and walk 2-3 steps ahead), but he's a careful boy and know he fall less while crawling so that's why he more prefer to crawl rather than to learn how to walk. Gesshhh -___-
He is currently now has 5 top teeths and 4 bottom ones. Expected more to come since he lovesssss to bite. Huhuhu..
But it's ok..he's in a learning process and...yeah..he is into everythinggggggg.
Monday, July 15, 2013
I think me and Aizat are having a big problem right now. Haha well it is about Aneeq again! Walla..
His babysitter is asking to take a full week off after raya to go back to her hometown, if I'm not mistaken in Terengganu kot. Jujurnya, my annual leave tinggal 8 hari sahaja lagi ( tak tolak cuti raya lagi tu weh!) which I've spent half of my annual leave before because of Aneeq jugak last time masa dia kena chicken pox, demam, babysitter mintak cutilah and etc etc. Haih.
Imagine that how could I survive with 8 days left until end of Dec? Dengan nak raya lagi...raya haji lagi..and not included untuk any random things that might happened in the next coming months lagi..adoi I am really in trouble seriously. wakakaa
I was thinking to let Aneeq with my mom in Alor Setar for that period while me and Aizat will back to KL and working as usual. It might sounds easy..since my mom is actually waiting for this moment for quite some time already. Haha. She loves Aneeq to the max I would say! Tapi is just me..I can't stand a day without seeing Aneeq so tak mungkin aku mampu bertahan without seeing Aneeq for that at least 3 days..I will go crazy man! :(
One more thing about his milk la of course. Berapa bekas aku nak bawak to support him while I'm not there? I mean, tak boleh nak agak jugak sebab when he sleeps especially waktu malam, he refused to get feed with the bottle. He wants his mama jugak..aku tak sure how Aneeq will be nanti sebab kami tak pernah berpisah even for a day! Sobs sobs
Serabut la..
Rasa macam nak resign sekarang jugak. Haha
His babysitter is asking to take a full week off after raya to go back to her hometown, if I'm not mistaken in Terengganu kot. Jujurnya, my annual leave tinggal 8 hari sahaja lagi ( tak tolak cuti raya lagi tu weh!) which I've spent half of my annual leave before because of Aneeq jugak last time masa dia kena chicken pox, demam, babysitter mintak cutilah and etc etc. Haih.
Imagine that how could I survive with 8 days left until end of Dec? Dengan nak raya lagi...raya haji lagi..and not included untuk any random things that might happened in the next coming months lagi..adoi I am really in trouble seriously. wakakaa
I was thinking to let Aneeq with my mom in Alor Setar for that period while me and Aizat will back to KL and working as usual. It might sounds easy..since my mom is actually waiting for this moment for quite some time already. Haha. She loves Aneeq to the max I would say! Tapi is just me..I can't stand a day without seeing Aneeq so tak mungkin aku mampu bertahan without seeing Aneeq for that at least 3 days..I will go crazy man! :(
One more thing about his milk la of course. Berapa bekas aku nak bawak to support him while I'm not there? I mean, tak boleh nak agak jugak sebab when he sleeps especially waktu malam, he refused to get feed with the bottle. He wants his mama jugak..aku tak sure how Aneeq will be nanti sebab kami tak pernah berpisah even for a day! Sobs sobs
Serabut la..
Rasa macam nak resign sekarang jugak. Haha
hati berkata,
isi dalam hati,
my darlings
Monday, July 1, 2013
Separation Anxiety - Aneeq
It's Julyyyyy everyone! Time flies so fast and Ramadhan is just less than a week. I can't wait for this fasting month since this is the first year I'll be celebrating it with my husband and my little man. Last year I was still in Penang while husband in KL and at that time my little man still in my tummmy and was approaching 6 months kot. That's why I am so excited ok! :)
As I mentioned in my previous posts about Aneeq's first solid food, by now I think Aneeq is getting better in adapting his food kot. I mean, he's doing great! Alhamdulillah, he likes to eat now even though there are times when I have to be like a hulk since Aneeq intentionally refused whatever things that I've prepared. But then he will come back to me dengan muka lapar meminta bantuan kecemasan hoping that I will feed him with my milk. Akai macam-macam!
Well, he is now 7 months plus and yeah..he's getting smarter and like a new little observer in the house. He likes to observe whatever things in the house with the ability of rolling, and style of crawling. Gaya tu ada, tapi belum melangkah merangkak lagi. He can sit without support but we have to put him in sitting position first since he don't know how to sit on his own yet but I think that is huge development for him. Alhamdulillah. :)
He is now got 2 batang gigi bawah and we are expecting 2 more dekat bahagian atas. Rasa gums dia dah keras and maybe in the next 3 weeks boleh complete 2 batang gigi atas bawah kot. Hehe cuteness overload la macam fast he grows up! Pheww rasa macam tak boleh keep up but Mama still doing it right. Hahaha
At the age of 7 months ni, Aneeq is showing signs of separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is a normal emotional stage of developement that starts when babies begin to understand that things and people exist even when they are not present. It means like, whenever I leave the room, Aneeq will know that I'm gone- and is able to picture and start to miss me like I'm leaving him for forever. Nangis macam kena cubit. Even he is already sleep in the night, safe and sound..he will wake up periodically not just for the milk but also to make sure that I was there and I believe that this is caused by the anxiety stage- the two seem to be connected. Get what I mean? See for yourself when your baby is having this. -__-
But still, Aneeq is a gift from God and I am soooo proud to be his mummy. And I hope that he will be proud too having me and my husband as his parents. And his dad..loves him more than he loves himself. Aneeq is the most priority, and his everything. With the arms wide open, he will always be there with me and at the front line, protecting us and work hard to feed us well. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah..terima kasih Allah.
Harap masih terus layak diberi amanat memegang amanah ini. Amin.
As I mentioned in my previous posts about Aneeq's first solid food, by now I think Aneeq is getting better in adapting his food kot. I mean, he's doing great! Alhamdulillah, he likes to eat now even though there are times when I have to be like a hulk since Aneeq intentionally refused whatever things that I've prepared. But then he will come back to me dengan muka lapar meminta bantuan kecemasan hoping that I will feed him with my milk. Akai macam-macam!
Well, he is now 7 months plus and yeah..he's getting smarter and like a new little observer in the house. He likes to observe whatever things in the house with the ability of rolling, and style of crawling. Gaya tu ada, tapi belum melangkah merangkak lagi. He can sit without support but we have to put him in sitting position first since he don't know how to sit on his own yet but I think that is huge development for him. Alhamdulillah. :)
He is now got 2 batang gigi bawah and we are expecting 2 more dekat bahagian atas. Rasa gums dia dah keras and maybe in the next 3 weeks boleh complete 2 batang gigi atas bawah kot. Hehe cuteness overload la macam fast he grows up! Pheww rasa macam tak boleh keep up but Mama still doing it right. Hahaha
At the age of 7 months ni, Aneeq is showing signs of separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is a normal emotional stage of developement that starts when babies begin to understand that things and people exist even when they are not present. It means like, whenever I leave the room, Aneeq will know that I'm gone- and is able to picture and start to miss me like I'm leaving him for forever. Nangis macam kena cubit. Even he is already sleep in the night, safe and sound..he will wake up periodically not just for the milk but also to make sure that I was there and I believe that this is caused by the anxiety stage- the two seem to be connected. Get what I mean? See for yourself when your baby is having this. -__-
But still, Aneeq is a gift from God and I am soooo proud to be his mummy. And I hope that he will be proud too having me and my husband as his parents. And his dad..loves him more than he loves himself. Aneeq is the most priority, and his everything. With the arms wide open, he will always be there with me and at the front line, protecting us and work hard to feed us well. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah..terima kasih Allah.
Harap masih terus layak diberi amanat memegang amanah ini. Amin.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Mother's love & Random (ver.3)
"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path." - Agatha Christie
I still remember a quote saying that a woman does not know her capacity to love until she has a child and that is how I feel with my Aneeq. Seeing him growing up with my own eyes, all the hard things- sleepless night, heart-break when he's got cold/fever and etc; for me, it makes the love even stronger. How strong I was to face that difficulties and the hardship, I will always feel proud of myself and of course that’s the awesome thing about a mother’s love, there’s always room for more :')
Aizat was reading my blog last night and he said, "Amboi, sekarang semua post blog cerita pasal Aneeq eh..", with a smile on his face-like macam perli pun ada. Wehee. I don't know what to reply. I just give him a big smile on my face and said nothing..sorry love. :)
Hmmmmppp, but then, to be honest..yang sebenarnya aku sanggaaaattt addicted with Aneeq. Seriously. Apa dia buat, berguling, bergolek, berpusing, menonggek semua mesti nak tengok. My eyes caught on him. Melekat macam ada gam. Sometimes I will feel like I'm not doing a good job in raising my kid. There are easy days when your kids seem like the angel that they deep down really are. But there are bad days - that make you question your judgment, your method, your beliefs - that makes you question yourself: Am I doing the right thing? I know I’m not the only one. Kan?
Adapting myself into motherhood life is not something easy. It's hard but I think all of the mommies are actually love it kot. Mana nak masak lagi, kemas rumah lagi, dengan Aneeq's need on my ketiak lah, calling 'maammaa-mammmaa' lagi la..there are a lotsssss of things to do at the same time! Alhamdulillah so far everything went well even tho diuji sangat hebat dengan Aneeq got his chicken pox at the age of 6months! Luckily husband was there, holding my hands and fully support me when I was down. Thanks abg! See, I'm writing about you in this post, not just about Aneeq. Hehe. Love you soooo much! :)
I actually so damn excited waiting for my coming soon niece(kot?nephew pun okay.hee)expected inshaAllah this coming July. Aaaa best dapat bau bayi sebab it comes from heaven. Bau syurga kan..hee..Aneeq dah bau masam dah sebab dah grown up fast! Bila bercakap dengan Aneeq especially bila aku membebel, I feel like I'm talking to a big boy sebab he will stare at me like he actually faham la kot. Haha. Comel sangat!
Haa remember about my last post about our vacation that supposed to be any date in June, actually we ended up went back to Alor Star. Hahaha. Actually, awal-awal tu..Aizat was thinking of going to Gold Coast Morib, but then bila dia nak booked the room, surprisingly all rooms are fully booked for June! Cameron is boring, Aizat la cakap. So ding dong here and there ingatkan our vacation will just be nothing, but then last 2 weeks la on Friday, Aizat came back from work and he went to bed early malam tu because he was too tired. And me on the other hand,was playing with Aneeq je la kan..suddenly it was 11pm, Aizat woke up and then he said, "Jom balik Alor Staq'..I was like, seriously? Bila?
I was so happy and melompat-lompat dengan Aneeq. Hahaha. Quickly I ran to my room and just took whatever stuffs that important including Aneeq's stuff and we went back to Alor Star at 1am. My mom was really shocked. Haha..our sweet escape. :) Ok la kot..dari membazir pegi travel ke sana sini but we ended went back to my kampung jenguk orang tua. Hehe. Thanks hubby..:)
Ok la, will update in the next post. See ya! :)
I still remember a quote saying that a woman does not know her capacity to love until she has a child and that is how I feel with my Aneeq. Seeing him growing up with my own eyes, all the hard things- sleepless night, heart-break when he's got cold/fever and etc; for me, it makes the love even stronger. How strong I was to face that difficulties and the hardship, I will always feel proud of myself and of course that’s the awesome thing about a mother’s love, there’s always room for more :')
Aizat was reading my blog last night and he said, "Amboi, sekarang semua post blog cerita pasal Aneeq eh..", with a smile on his face-like macam perli pun ada. Wehee. I don't know what to reply. I just give him a big smile on my face and said nothing..sorry love. :)
Hmmmmppp, but then, to be honest..yang sebenarnya aku sanggaaaattt addicted with Aneeq. Seriously. Apa dia buat, berguling, bergolek, berpusing, menonggek semua mesti nak tengok. My eyes caught on him. Melekat macam ada gam. Sometimes I will feel like I'm not doing a good job in raising my kid. There are easy days when your kids seem like the angel that they deep down really are. But there are bad days - that make you question your judgment, your method, your beliefs - that makes you question yourself: Am I doing the right thing? I know I’m not the only one. Kan?
Adapting myself into motherhood life is not something easy. It's hard but I think all of the mommies are actually love it kot. Mana nak masak lagi, kemas rumah lagi, dengan Aneeq's need on my ketiak lah, calling 'maammaa-mammmaa' lagi la..there are a lotsssss of things to do at the same time! Alhamdulillah so far everything went well even tho diuji sangat hebat dengan Aneeq got his chicken pox at the age of 6months! Luckily husband was there, holding my hands and fully support me when I was down. Thanks abg! See, I'm writing about you in this post, not just about Aneeq. Hehe. Love you soooo much! :)
I actually so damn excited waiting for my coming soon niece(kot?nephew pun okay.hee)expected inshaAllah this coming July. Aaaa best dapat bau bayi sebab it comes from heaven. Bau syurga kan..hee..Aneeq dah bau masam dah sebab dah grown up fast! Bila bercakap dengan Aneeq especially bila aku membebel, I feel like I'm talking to a big boy sebab he will stare at me like he actually faham la kot. Haha. Comel sangat!
Haa remember about my last post about our vacation that supposed to be any date in June, actually we ended up went back to Alor Star. Hahaha. Actually, awal-awal tu..Aizat was thinking of going to Gold Coast Morib, but then bila dia nak booked the room, surprisingly all rooms are fully booked for June! Cameron is boring, Aizat la cakap. So ding dong here and there ingatkan our vacation will just be nothing, but then last 2 weeks la on Friday, Aizat came back from work and he went to bed early malam tu because he was too tired. And me on the other hand,was playing with Aneeq je la kan..suddenly it was 11pm, Aizat woke up and then he said, "Jom balik Alor Staq'..I was like, seriously? Bila?
I was so happy and melompat-lompat dengan Aneeq. Hahaha. Quickly I ran to my room and just took whatever stuffs that important including Aneeq's stuff and we went back to Alor Star at 1am. My mom was really shocked. Haha..our sweet escape. :) Ok la kot..dari membazir pegi travel ke sana sini but we ended went back to my kampung jenguk orang tua. Hehe. Thanks hubby..:)
Ok la, will update in the next post. See ya! :)
Friday, June 7, 2013
Home made solid food
Alhamdulillah, Aneeq now can slowly accept my home-made-food even though yea, sometimes it depends on his mood jugak. So to be safe, setiap hari aku akan prepare semi-solid food which is blended nasi with kentang plus bayam. So far he's doing fine.. Aku tak letak expectation tinggi pun kat Aneeq, rileks sudah. Tak habis semangkuk pun takpa sayang..6-7 spoons per each meal pun dah great for mama. Slowly learn..
Tapi, kadang-kadang mood awang ni tak dapat dijangka jugak. Ada hari yang Aneeq totally refused my home made food. Taktau paseipa. Aku buat macam selalu yang aku buat jugak..tapi bear in mind, jangan paksa anak makan. I did some research jugak la through internet, kalau force baby to eat whatever things that had been prepared, at one time dia akan trauma pulak nak makan. Nak makan pun takut, ngeri kot macam tu. So that's why I took a step back..loosen up sikit dengan preparation introducing Aneeq dengan makanan even aku sumpah sangat excited nak menyuap dia makan since dia 5 bulan lagi. Hmmmph! 0__-
Jadi, untuk cuba mengenyangkan Aneeq even after dia reject bubur aku buat, aku cuba cari what other things yang Aneeq suka. I've tried a lot seriously. Tapi tak da la sampai aku give up, it is just that sampai tahap aku try introduce Aneeq dengan nestum. Wehehee. What? Mati akal kot! lol, I am not a kind of mother yang sanggup biar anak lapar just to follow all the rules, like 'say no to nestum' ka whatever. Anak aku reject bubuq aku buat kot.
But surprisingly, semua jenis nestum di pasaran also being rejected by Aneeq. Lagi mati akai! Sekarang ni kalau Aneeq makan nestum pun tanpa dia sedar. Hahaha. Aku campuq sikit dalam susu dia. Tebuk sikit lubang puting..minum ok jaaaaaa..saja akai Aneeq tu..heh!
Luckily Aneeq sangat suka dengan biskut Farley. I bet it is because of the taste kot. Biskut tu kan manis..aku hat besaq ni makan pun sedap jugak rasa. Hehe. So macam aku cakap tadi, to be safe..instead of preparing Aneeq with the bubur, aku dah stand by siap-siap biskut farley dan nestum kat rumah babysitter. Kalau dia not in the mood of eating the bubur, aku minta pengasuh dia cairkan biskut tu or campurkan nestum dalam susu Aneeq. Either or least he wont just depends on the milk only, ada topup sikit here and there. Bubur pun nak yang panas-suam gitu aku beli termos untuk keep the food warm. Demand tak anak aku? Baru 6 bulan dah pandai demand. Keh3
But then it's still okay for me. Aku rasa enjoy je layan kerenah Aneeq. Dia belum dapat adapt lagi kot dengan semi-solid food. Dia dok ingat susu aku paling sedap dalam dunia kot. Hahahaa.

My love, my everything. Sampai mati. :)
Tapi, kadang-kadang mood awang ni tak dapat dijangka jugak. Ada hari yang Aneeq totally refused my home made food. Taktau paseipa. Aku buat macam selalu yang aku buat jugak..tapi bear in mind, jangan paksa anak makan. I did some research jugak la through internet, kalau force baby to eat whatever things that had been prepared, at one time dia akan trauma pulak nak makan. Nak makan pun takut, ngeri kot macam tu. So that's why I took a step back..loosen up sikit dengan preparation introducing Aneeq dengan makanan even aku sumpah sangat excited nak menyuap dia makan since dia 5 bulan lagi. Hmmmph! 0__-
Jadi, untuk cuba mengenyangkan Aneeq even after dia reject bubur aku buat, aku cuba cari what other things yang Aneeq suka. I've tried a lot seriously. Tapi tak da la sampai aku give up, it is just that sampai tahap aku try introduce Aneeq dengan nestum. Wehehee. What? Mati akal kot! lol, I am not a kind of mother yang sanggup biar anak lapar just to follow all the rules, like 'say no to nestum' ka whatever. Anak aku reject bubuq aku buat kot.
But surprisingly, semua jenis nestum di pasaran also being rejected by Aneeq. Lagi mati akai! Sekarang ni kalau Aneeq makan nestum pun tanpa dia sedar. Hahaha. Aku campuq sikit dalam susu dia. Tebuk sikit lubang puting..minum ok jaaaaaa..saja akai Aneeq tu..heh!
Luckily Aneeq sangat suka dengan biskut Farley. I bet it is because of the taste kot. Biskut tu kan manis..aku hat besaq ni makan pun sedap jugak rasa. Hehe. So macam aku cakap tadi, to be safe..instead of preparing Aneeq with the bubur, aku dah stand by siap-siap biskut farley dan nestum kat rumah babysitter. Kalau dia not in the mood of eating the bubur, aku minta pengasuh dia cairkan biskut tu or campurkan nestum dalam susu Aneeq. Either or least he wont just depends on the milk only, ada topup sikit here and there. Bubur pun nak yang panas-suam gitu aku beli termos untuk keep the food warm. Demand tak anak aku? Baru 6 bulan dah pandai demand. Keh3
But then it's still okay for me. Aku rasa enjoy je layan kerenah Aneeq. Dia belum dapat adapt lagi kot dengan semi-solid food. Dia dok ingat susu aku paling sedap dalam dunia kot. Hahahaa.

My love, my everything. Sampai mati. :)
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